Golden Grove Farm

Nestled on 65 Acres in the hills of Willseyville, NY is Golden Grove Farm, home to Alyssa and her family as well as a flock of Navajo Churro Sheep, a border collie and 2 donkeys. Golden Grove is a small family farm focused on raising a healthy flock of many-colored Navajo-Churro sheep.

Alyssa chose Navajo Churro because they are unique and produce beautiful wool in five rich natural colors, great for all types of crafters and fiber enthusiasts. Besides fibery goods, Golden Grove also sells animals for breeding stock, pets, or even meat.

Animals & Breeds:
Navajo Churro Sheep

Fiber Products:
raw fleeces, stuffing, roving, batting, yarn, wool dryer balls, sheepskins

Find Golden Grove:
Online store through etsy and website

Etsy: GoldenGroveFarm
Phone: (607) 592-7534

Willseyville, Tioga County, NY