The Fiber Festival of New England
1305 Memorial Ave. West Springfield
MA 01089

More than 150 New England exhibitors will be showcasing their products including clothing, quilts, blankets, rugs, looms, spinning wheels and more. Workshops on felting, spinning, punch needle, Tunisian crochet, rug hooking and more will be held both days.
In addition to being an ideal holiday shopping opportunity with handmade items from over 200 vendor booths, Fiber Festival is a great educational experience for visitors to learn how animals contribute to the fiber industry through live displays of llamas, alpacas, sheep, and rabbits.
Activities include:
The Make It With Wool Competition is a national competition in which contestants select, construct and model their own garments. Make It With Wool promotes the beauty and versatility of wool fabrics and yarns and encourages creativity in sewing, knitting, and crocheting. The competition is open to entrants of all ages.
A Fleece Sale will be ongoing throughout the Festival and is open to all. Be the first in line to purchase a fleece. Those interested in contributing fleeces should send fleeces to arrive on or before Friday, Nov. 1, or bring them to the Mallary Complex, by Nov. 2, 9 am to 8 pm. Please include the date shorn, breed of animal and producer information.
Sheep Shearing demos will also take place throughout the weekend.
Admission to the Fiber Festival of New England is $7 for adults and free for children 12 and under.